Coaching & Consulting Overview

Feast Over Famine has always seen the need to bring a high level of business expertise to the impact-focused world. Our heart is to grow and scale organizations in a fiscally self-sustaining way while preserving the integrity of their mission. An equal tension of mission and profit is at the heart of everything we do.

Our engagements are a one-on-one, intimate, and holistic approach where we come alongside our clients for a specific season to support them.

Below is an overview of our Coaching & Consulting model. Our core engagements walk clients through a four phase process from Analysis & Onboarding through Implementation. Nearly 75% of our clients have had a need for capital, therefore we have created a specific Capital Raise Coaching Track for those engagements. Once completed with our initial client engagements, we have a number of ways that we will continue to support clients for the long haul.


Who We Serve

After serving 100+ client organizations, we have found that our projects fall in one of four buckets


These are projects that are starting out and are looking to build a model and strategy for both their business operation and impact model.


This is a project that has been around for several years, is near profitability, and is ready to strategically scale into the next season of their organization.

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Many organizations have been faithfully serving for decades. There are unique seasons, so strategically thinking about future impact and scaling can be extremely beneficial.

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Regardless of the size or maturity of an organization, there are specific challenges and seasons that call for a fresh lens. We have served many organizations in these seasons.


What Engagements Look Like

Typically, our engagements span from three to nine months in length. We have two types of engagement formats.

  • Session Model - These are for smaller engagements and allow us to move fluidly through our Coaching & Consulting model in a way that gets projects off the ground and pointed in the right direction.

  • Custom Engagements - When clients are more mature and projects are more complex, we build Custom Engagements to fit the specific needs, deliverables, and complexities for the client.


How We Do It

How we do our work is just as important as what we do in our work. Here are some of our drivers throughout our Coaching & Consulting process.

  • Tension Navigated

  • Data Driven

  • Fiscally Focused

  • Leadership Preserved

  • Pro-actively Scaled

  • Holistic of Organization


What’s Next?

From the very beginning, our desire is to best serve you and work together to move your organization forward. We focus on relationships - from our first discovery call, to building a collaborative proposal together. Too many organizations waste too much time, energy, and money on Coaching & Consulting services that don’t move the needle for their organization, and we don’t want to fall into that category. We’d love to learn more about your idea/business and work on a collaborative proposal together.
